About Us

Malibu Sleep is on a mission to give everyone the chance to get the best nights sleep possible.  

We develop the highest quality natural sleep supplements proven to give you an amazing sleep and ensuring that you awake refreshed and ready to tackle the world. 

Sleep Well and Live Better with Malibu Sleep!

The Malibu Sleep System

Looking to catch some quality Z's and wake up feeling refreshed? Let's talk about a game-changing trio: magnesium, vitamin B6, and L-theanine - better known as the Malibu Sleep System by Malibu Sleep. 

Malibu Zen Spray, the zen master of relaxation. With the active ingredients of L-theanine to help kick stress and anxiety to the curb by boosting those chill-out neurotransmitters like GABA and serotonin. Say hello to calm and peaceful nights. With the additional support of vitamin B6, the unsung hero of sleep support. This little gem helps crank out the neurotransmitters that keep your sleep-wake cycle on track. 

Want to drift off smoothly and sleep soundly through the night? Malibu Zen Spray has your back.

Coupled with Malibu Magna Plus, your new sleep bestie. This superhero mineral helps regulate those key sleep hormones - melatonin and GABA, sending you off into a blissful slumber. With Malibu Magna Plus on your side, you're in for some truly restorative shut-eye.

Combine these two and you've got yourself a dream team for better sleep. Imagine feeling more relaxed, drifting off effortlessly, and waking up feeling like a million bucks – that's what the powerful Malibu Sleep System can offer.

Malibu Zen Spray gets to to sleep, Malibu Magna Plus keeps you there!

Ready to experience the magic? Always remember to chat with a healthcare pro before diving into any new supplements. But if you're itching for some seriously good sleep, the Malibu Sleep System might be just what the sandman ordered.